Angela Rolleman 

Training |  Group Facilitation  |  Personal Development Services

Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness

Positive psychology (dubbed “the science of happiness”) is the scientific study of optimal human functioning and the conditions that lead to this. While traditional psychology has focused on discovering the causes and effective treatments of mental illness, and has made great advances to this end, positive psychology posits that we can do more. People come to us wanting to achieve more than simply “the absence of depression”; they want to be happy and fulfilled. Research in positive psychology has found that the interventions that lead to this latter state are distinct from interventions that treat mental illness. Positive interventions can be taught for different purposes: they can be a supplement to other therapy interventions; they can be taught in their own right; and/or they can be taught for the purpose of prevention of later psychological problems by building resilience.

Topics studied in positive psychology include factors and interventions that lead to optimism, resilience, well-being, fulfillment, success, and (of course) happiness. In this two-part interactive workshop, we will review the research findings and the evidence-based interventions of positive psychology that can be applied in counselling and education settings as well as in our own lives. The two week break in between day 1 and 2 of this workshop is intended to give an opportunity for participants to practice the positive interventions taught in class. 

Participants will learn: 

  • The fundamental concepts of Positive Psychology and their practical applications 
  • The five pillars of psychological well-being and happiness 
  • How to identify and use “signature strengths” to increase well-being 
  • The “broaden and build” model of positive emotions 
  • Evidence-based interventions that lead to a happier life

The workshop as described above is a 2-day format, but variations of the content can be delivered in other formats to suit your needs:

  •  2-day workshop(standard format)
  • 1-day workshop
  • Half-day workshop
  • 2 hour talk

For a Keynote presentation based on this topic, please see 
The Secrets of Extremely Happy People. For a personal development course based on this topic, please see Happiness Boot Camp.